Have you ever been in need of cash but found it very hard to approach the bank? How would it be if you could apply for loans from your mobile phone and need not have to go anywhere? Wondering how? Yes, with the help of the app, My Canada Payday Loans you can apply for a payday loan in Canada by just using your mobile or tablet.
Though there are many loan apps in store, only a very few of them will get the job done and one such app is My Canada Payday Loans. Offered by Westrock Finance, this app stands out from the other similar ones in the market because of the lender fees, eligibility and customer support and increased chances of getting higher loan advances. Their official website is www.mycanadapayday.com.
My Canada Payday Loans work as you sign up with a new account. It helps you to manage your loan account and track the repayment of loans. With this, you can also manage your bank account and track the status of the loan that is in progress. The app gives you notification regarding the funds, loan approval information and other necessary details.
Unlike the other apps, usage is not complicated and the process is completely online. With this, applying for a payday loan is a breeze. You have no requirement to visit the store front. Just complete a single page form with a few details and the loan amount is automatically transferred to your bank account. You need not have to spend long hours, all it takes is just 15 minutes and you can get a loan amount up to $1500.
The company doesn’t neglect your application in case you have a bad credit score. Bad credit will not be a problem with My Canada Payday Loans. The prices with them are very competitive and they have favourable repayment terms. The app is completely secure and they use state-of-the art encryption methods to protect your private data and so you need not bother about third party intrusion.
Since its inception in 2008, the company has served many customers and they all give amazing reviews about My Canada Payday Loans. The company is Canadian owned and is licensed to operate all over Canada. The team always ensure to make the customer satisfaction their first priority and they work 24/7. In case you have any questions or concerns to be answered or help with the loan application process, you can drop them an email at [email protected]. The app is available for free download on both iOS and Android devices.
Worth Having App – Download the App