In situations if users suddenly notice a sudden decline in traffic to your website, there are key factors that could be the cause. One must understand what they are actually and what you can do to restore traffic or even highly improve it. This is also crucial to placing your website back on track. By reading this one can easily find answer for How to check when there is sudden drop in website traffic.
It is enumerated that constant monitoring website traffic is vital analytic. They describe that people are looking your site and, when primarily used in connection with other website traffic statistics. The users will be able to determine who is actually accessing your site, for how long, popular content and so on.
Regular Search Engine algorithm update
Google constantly releases multiple updates to its algorithm throughout the year, as do other search engines. So when there is a major update, it could hit websites instantly. All the keywords and other SEO factors are been relying on to keep your website on page 1 could suddenly disappear.
Major changes to your website
A revamp of your website might highly affect your website traffic overnight. In addition significant cull of content or pages, for example might affect the crawl ability of your site. It is the general reason why website traffic might be suddenly affected in large way. For this you can simply fix the problem where you require removing broken links, as well as regularly checking what is actually being indexed on your site.
Check manual search engine penalty
They are more precisely to say that it is preferably possible to incur the wrath of Google bots and their manual reviewers. Thereby being hacked can be one cause of concern and Google has quality guide to clawing back into their good books.
Factor of tracking code
It could be that the sudden drop in website traffic is largely due to poor data. One major reason behind this is your site’s tracking code. More importantly the code can be generally interrupted by changes in pages and content, amongst other things.
Changes of Competitors and SERPs
It might be that your competitors have got good knowledge to your keywords, the ones you have been ranking high for, and greatly staged profitable PPC campaign. Generally one requires doing some reverse engineering to bring back the merits you had over your competitors.
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