Despite the fact that a lot of my leisure time has been on playing indoor games lately there’s way too much to do in browsing of this new app Ulassa app developed by BESK Kft. If you’ve followed closely about latest apps for a while, then you’ll know this Ulassa app wholly satisfies all kinds of global users.

The Ulassa app is qualitatively designed to help you in your daily work as a Scrum master or member of an agile developer team. It is immensely aimed specifically at remote teams; the upcoming first release will permit you to play online rounds of Planning Poker in order to collectively evaluate the complexity of your next development tasks.

How the Ulassa app works

It is strongly noted that the Ulassa Planning Poker app uses digital estimation cards in just the same way as the analogue version, and actively follows a simple but incredibly efficient system.

Generally the players make their own estimations by clicking on a card from the online poker deck. In addition each card has a value based on how much effort a particular user story would require. These values are ordered according to the Fibonacci sequence, which, with a few parameters, can be effectively used as a reliable indicator of exponential growth. This system also enables clear forecasts to be made and used in agile project management.

More specifically the Planning Poker app also eliminates any ‘anchoring bias’, or the unconscious sway of other players’ points of view over one’s own, as others’ decisions can only be seen when everybody has finished making their estimations and clicking on the relevant digital poker cards. Moreover only then will the online Scrum board show an overall figure for how the Scrum members have ranked their effort estimations.

Work with your Scrum online and experience the benefits of the Ulassa app for yourself

The Ulassa app perfectly helps your Scrum team quickly and easily achieves meaningful results via mobile. Also not only does it facilitate agile project management, it also enables quality communication between all parties: from the stakeholders, to the Product Owner, to each individual developer.

You can achieve following aims

  • It is keeping feedback loops small
  • Increasing productivity
  • Reacting to new requirements in Sprint planning with no noticeable losses
  • Easily enabling close communication within the Scrum team
  • Optimising workflow in distributed teams
  • You can build a happy, motivated team through transparency and teamwork

Who is the Ulassa Planning Poker app designed for?

The Planning Poker app is the digital solution for making a group of globally distributed developers into a strong, motivated team who all pull together. The main focus is primarily on international teams who want to work together in spite of physical separation.

Be safe and be productive

Presently the world is changing daily in a way we’ve never seen before. Your Scrum Team needs to match that flexibility. Also it is mostly understood that the need to work remotely, now more so than ever before, and we’re here to help your team be safe and productive during the challenging times we all face right now. You can also supercharge your remote teams free for 14 days. You can power up your workflow with free licenses so your business can thrive while practicing social distancing.


The developer of this Ulassa app certainly did a persuasive job with key features, that’s for sure. I’m a huge fan of this kind of genre, and Ulassa falls right into that best quality category.

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