If people are searching for an all-around quality choice with a number of great features, take a look at SafeSwiss® Secure Encrypted Messenger app developed by Safeswiss Secure Communications. The app offers the world’s most comprehensive security solution for smartphone, tablet, and computer communications, providing complete security.
With this popular app SafeSwiss® Secure Encrypted Messenger, you can instantly connect with your family and friends 1:1 or in groups with an arbitrary number of participants with the full assurance your messages, sharing of pictures and files which are always 100% end to end encrypted.
More importantly share what you want with only who you want. There is full end to end encrypted voice calling, voice memos – end-to-end secure sharing of files, images, and videos. The passionate users have complete control over who has access to your content and how long it remains accessible.
Amazingly SafeSwiss® is the world’s most comprehensive security solution for smartphone, tablet, and computer communications, providing complete security against the vulnerability within modern communication networks.
Best Provision of Privacy & Security
- All messages are always fully E2EE (end to end encrypted) with a new key using advanced proven elliptical curve end-to-end encryption. SafeSwiss® never has access to any of your messages or your contact list.
- No phone number email address or ID is required to register with SafeSwiss®. Your address book remains private and is not stored on our servers.
- SafeSwiss® never stores any metadata associated with your communications.
- Device-to-device based encryption – each message, file, and call (every 512 packets) are encrypted with a new key so it’s near a mathematical impossible to break.
- Foolproof Proven Encryption NaCI protocol shared secret exchange ECDH-25519 & XSalsa20 Cypher.
What Makes SafeSwiss® Features So Popular
It secures fully Encrypted VoIP-based voice calling between two or more in the form of “add to call”.
Push to delete feature
- Delete any picture, text message, document on both sender & recipient(s) device anytime with the confidence “Delete means Delete” no metadata, all deleted items are encrypted and shredded
Fully Configurable Expiration Timer
- Set the expiration time on all your messaging content from 1 x second to 1 x year after being read by the recipient(s)
- Delete really means Delete; all deleted files are shredded and overwritten.
You have Open-source code for transparency and audit by the crypto community and open for audit. There is secure encrypted sharing of pictures, videos, files, contacts, locations, selfies. It has secure fully encrypted Video Message Chats.
You also have additional protection with user-defined application PIN & Biometric Access • Privacy protection by blocking of undesirable contacts. There is backup functionality to users Google Drive to simplify migration to a new device(s) without losing messaging history as well as further user-related information. Finally there is User Defined Colour Schematic & Font Sizes with dark/light background options.
Wrap Up
When I heard about SafeSwiss® Secure Encrypted Messenger app developed by Safeswiss Secure Communications, it was something so different that I couldn’t wait to use it. Now I must say, this is a completely fresh approach to security system apps in general, and it shouldn’t be missed.