pipe_logoMissed call is an art invented by Indians. Even after the wide acceptance of messengers like WhatsApp, Line etc., people still give missed call to convey message. If you are traveling on public transport, you could hear every other person saying something like “Give me a missed call when you start from home”, “Give me a missed call when you reach there”, “Give missed call to confirm you got my gift” etc. These conversations happens as people are lazy enough to type few words. By understanding this Hashpolls LLC came up unique idea and that idea took shape of an excellent single character messenger app called Pipe – Micro Messaging. Pipe Messaging app is available for vast users of Android.

Pipe messenger is a unique micro messaging app which let you send a dot to your friends and family. This dot simply replaces the missed call habit of people. Simply dot when you say something like confirming money received. Just like every new idea, adapting to new ones require some time to understand it. Pipe messenger is no different to it. It may be confusing when you start, but once you get going, you will find how useful it is. Dot for reached mall, Dot for coming late, Dot for this, Dot for that. And this does not mean you can only send Dots in Pipe messenger. If you require to send traditional messages, Pipe do not stop you. In fact, it has a library of quick words built-in. Just select and send a relevant word, instead of dot, if required. You can also send long messages in Pipe messenger. Here is an example, “Our movie tickets are confirmed. Will dot you when I start from home”. Cool, right?

If you wonder why you need separate messenger, when you can use your current one? First you teach your friends & family about Dot language, if you want to stick to your current. Pipe messenger does better by offering additional features. It also has link receiver option. If you are looking for job openings or updates from your favourite rock band, you can receive a dot. Clicking the dot will take you to the update using built-in browser. All you need to do is to subscribe some feeds given by Pipe itself. This wonderful subscription does not require your name, phone or email. We found that this alone very helpful to use this Pipe messenger app.

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Pipe messenger got a clean interface and performed well. Give it a try. It will change the way you communicate with others.

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