Smart Sloth is a task manager that assists you in making better use of your time. They adeptly combined the Pomodoro Timer with Task Management to create a science-based app that will motivate you to stay focused and complete tasks.
Salient Aspects
- Determine the duration of each task
- Be notified when the timer expires.
- Control via simple gestures
- Complete tasks without leaving the notification centre.
- Possibilities for customization
Smart Sloth Is Ideal If You Want To:
- Improve focus
- Get rid of procrastination
- Overcome perfectionism
- Establish a personal or professional routine.
- Make a dent in large projects.
- Be more mindful of your time.
Pomodoro ™ and Pomodoro Technique ® are registered trademarks of Francesco Cirillo. This app is not affiliated with Francesco Cirillo. Users have spent 1 million hours focused on this app; so join and they will help you focus and increase your productivity while reducing procrastination and anxiety.
For the developer’s successful release on the App Store, we trust that they did a splendid job with Smart Sloth: Focus Study Timer. It’s certainly something that’s so much different on the App Store, which is always refreshing to experience these days. This is a splendid app that will appeal to anyone who is looking for a change.
Final Thoughts
Overall this is a good list for planning a single task list, estimating the time each will take, then fitting the tasks into a schedule. For those people who used to plan their days with the now defunct 30/30 app, Smart Sloth is a great replacement. This app is very useful and esay to use. Lots of benefits here like if u set the reminder it’s notify you the perfect time. It’s a helpful application it allows to make your daily tasks at time by smart way.