Growth Hacking – A Technique to Reach for the Users Virally!
Mattan Griffel is the one who announced some of the best growth hacking techniques and tips. There are many growth hacking tips assigned for this page which are based on his tips and methods. It’s the growth hacking that is comparatively a new term and managed to become popular recently. Growth hacking is all about following the tricks and strategies to reach for the users virally. There is even no need to spend money when you are following these tricks. Due to this reason, it is known as the Lean Marketing.
It’s the viral growth that occurs when consistent-user acquisition occurs and this helps you to bring in new users. This also occurs when you generate socials features and referrals for your website that can bring in referred users.
Seven growth hacking strategies for the mobile apps:
First of all, you can hack the current marketing channels used by you. In order to do this, you need to take help of deep linking like strategy. This can play a major role in terms of enhancing the marketing assets for you. This can also act as the platform for other growth hacking strategies which are used for mobile apps. These days, you can find several deep linking strategy providers like Tune, Adjust, URX, AppsFlyer, AppURL, Deeplink and TapStream. There are also actors such as Branch that refers to the deep linking strategies in order to perform some advanced magic as far as personalization is concerned..
Hack expectation: This is something through which you can hack the landing page easily. In this way, you can reach for more advanced apps in order to collect the leads and the beta-testers contacts. They can really help you out while trying to develop quality apps and you can even consider them as the first evangelizers for the app during launch.
Hack SEO while taking help of App content: it’s the description for the app and for the landing page that is too poor. Due to this reason, contents can be indexed which are already in the app. This is also known as indexing the SEO app.
Hack ASO: it’s the ASO that relies mostly on the optimization of the conversion number that is obtained for app install with comparison to the number of visitors who visited the app stores pages. Due to this reason, there is always a chance to get critical view of the visual elements that are formatted for these pages. In order to make sure that the impact remains high, texts, app name, app icon as well as screenshots like elements has to be crafted in the best possible manner. Well, the fact is that optimizing these elements can lead the way for high conversion rate. In this way, you can increase the conversion rate to thirty percent higher. But the question is that how you can test them? This is always tough to determine what works better, as there are very less ways to try at the pages of the app stores. Well, it’s the App Store Proxy method through which a fake landing page can be created which looks similar to the landing page of the app store. On this fake landing page tests can be performed. And then the findings with the app store landing page can be replicated. In order to do this, you can use certain tools like: StoreMaven, TestNest and SplitMetrics.
Hack reviews and rating: In order to get the best details related to this aspect, you need to follow the slides and has to go through this article – The Right Way to Ask User to Review Your App. Basically, it’s the virtuous mechanism which supports the reviews and ratings and help the users to collect feedback related to the development of some better products as well as satisfy them furthermore. Keep in mind that such technology is not the newest one. There are a few prime evangelizers associated with this technique like Apptentive as well as Help Shift. These two tools can be used to activate the technology with the help desk you are using.
Hack virality: If you believe in the fact that Word of Mouth works, then sharing mechanics and social networks are the best techniques that you can implement now. However, it is also important to pay attention towards the speed and growth of the growth. It is not like the one which can be designed or created in an artificial manner. It also needs many times to measure, tests and tweek prior to getting the actual results as well as sustainable growth. If you are looking at the mobile apps, then you can find some really good tolls in order to favor these sharing like Facebook app Invites, and Google App Invites. There are two prime channels that are often ignored while talking about the sharing like element. These two elements are SMS and email. However, these two tools look to be enough powerful when it’s all about virality, as they allow sharing the specific contents in a more private manner towards the targeted contacts.
Easy App Sharing – Alex Jubein from APS London has mentioned that All You Need to Make It Really Simple so that Users can Advocate Your Apps.
Hack referral:
It’s the referral program that can be assigned for the app as the growth driver. And when this referral program is incentivized, it can deliver outstanding result. These days, you can find some of the most amazing tools to generate such referral programs along with the deep linking like method. During this you have to personalize the on-boarding like factor and this can help in increasing the conversion rate dramatically. This method is known as the deferred-deep linking. Without this type of technique, an app store often behaves as the cycle breaker once the app is installed by an invitee. Deferred-deep linking is also considered to use and track the mechanism. Well, instead you trigger the ad attribution; such services can easily trigger the personalization like aspect on the first opening page for the app. Branch Metrics is the best technique that can be used for this purpose. This can be used both for products and contents. There are another two tools that seem to be working best in this regard and they are known as Hokolinks and Yozio.
The last part that exhibits App Consults which is also the app designed for doctors. For this app, several techniques are implemented which also include the best way to ask users about sharing their apps.
For ASO and A/B testing I am currently using, however splitmetrics is also very good tool 🙂