Search engine optimization (SEO) is a reputed marketing technique that is continually shifting. What managed to help a website’s search rankings on Google last year may hinder it this year. This implies that businesses must keep up to date on all SEO news, trends, and methodologies.

Here is a list of the best SEO practices and emerging trends for late 2022:

Core Web Vitals

Google is always looking for new ways to encourage website owners to improve the user experience. ‘Core Web Vitals’ is a new feature of Google’s ‘Page Experience’ algorithm, which determines the quality of web pages and how they should be ranked in search results. Core Web Vitals is now following other metrics such as mobile friendliness, HTTPS security, and intrusive interstitial guidelines.

People Also Ask

‘People Also Ask,’ a section on the results page that lists additional related search terms, is one of these relatively new additions. This section reflects potential purchasing journeys and offers brands previously untapped keyword ideas. When conducting keyword, research or deciding which keyword to target, a brand should go through the “People Also Ask” suggestions. The product can then employ these keywords to generate new pages or blocks, or it might include the terms in the FAQ checklist.

EAT Should Be Improved

EAT is an acronym that primarily stands for Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness. These characteristics are utilized by Google to determine whether such a webpage delivers high-quality content. Brands can improve their EAT by creating unique and relevant content, citing their sources, including author biographies in posts, avoiding overly sales-focused content, allowing topic experts to review content, and obtaining links and mentions from reliable and high sites and inputs.

Long-Form Formatted Content

Longer content is usually the best way to provide Google with the essential elements it’s looking for, such as original research and analysis, depth, high-quality citing, and more. Pages and blogs on a brand’s website should be comprehensive, covering all topics and subtopics relevant to a search query. All such posts should also be formatted appropriately, with H1, H2, H3, and H4 subheadings and bullet points.