Nowadays, there are so many credit card companies which offer you loans with a lower interest rate. You might have applied for loans from these companies if you own a credit card. But, did you find them useful or worth it? Don’t know whether you’re getting benefits or not? Well, whatever that answer, but I don’t think there is anything better than the software which I’m going to introduce you today! Let me tell you what! Lendify is the best peer to peer lending platform which provides you personal loans without involving any bank or credit card company.
With Lendify, you can get personal loans up to 500,000 Kr. You can apply online for a personal loan within a few minutes through a simple application and get an instant offer with Lendify. Lendify offers you some rewards under its loyalty program such as you can lower your interest rate just by paying your monthly invoices on time. If your application is approved and the agreement gets signed, you can get the money transferred right into your bank account.
One thing you must keep in your mind that you must be 18 years old to get your loan pass and there are some other requirements also that you need to fulfill. After that you can apply for a loan and get it passed in a few seconds very easily.
Lendify is the largest platform that connects borrowers with investors. It offers better terms for borrowers and solid returns for investors and aims to create a better economy for everyone. Do you know that Lendify has achieved a lot in since the year 2014? Let me tell you, they have lent more than 1 billion SEK to borrowers, with a growth rate of 35 percent. Lendify makes it possible to utilize the business model of traditional banks by investing capital in personal loans to creditworthy borrowers and get 4-6 % in yearly return.
By cutting out the common men and bypassing many of the traditional banking costs bonus bez depozytu it provide great return rates for the borrowers. The digital application process involved in providing loans to the customers is very fast, flexible and fully transparent.
Overall, I would say that Lendify is an easy to use platform and worth to get loans within a few simple steps. Lendify work flawlessly and works only in Sweden currently. It offers a new type of loan to the borrowers. So give it a try now! Apply for loans and reward yourself with a lower return rate with Lendify! It’s the Sweden’s largest marketplace for loans!
You can call the customer care service anytime if you need any sort of help. They’re fully proficient in English, Swedish and other languages also.
PROS: easy to use; complete digital application process; fast, transparent and flexible; connects borrowers with investors; rewards lower return rate; Sweden’s best marketplace for taking loans; free to use.
CONS: available only in Sweden.