One latest study suggests that employees who worked from home 100 percent of the time were more productive. Similarly those who worked in the office 100 percent of the time felt regularly distracted.

You can invest in time management software

It is seen that procrastination has become big hurdle that many remote workers face. So time management software could primarily assist employees in allocating and use their time effectively.

Set quarterly goals with rewards and incentives

Try the best way to help your remote employees by providing task with quarterly goals. Take a step further and provide exclusive incentives to employees who reach their established goals in style.

Arrange video conferences

It is wise to build solid working relationships with people when you’re able to talk freely, ask questions and discuss hardship barriers. There are numerous video conference software options you can use to hold your meetings.

Good to communicate with remote workers every day

Communication is one core element which makes your remote workers more successful. It is always better to have daily check-ins with remote workers.

You can develop self-discipline

It is good to make to-do lists, to-don’t lists, checklists, and so on. Also stay in touch with your team and then structure your day around your objectives.

Define Work Clearly

This factor sets vivid expectations and timelines for your remote employees. By doing this they come to know how you will measure their performance and what they require to do to meet the focused goals.

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