Hexologic, MythicOwl’s brand new app that released last month, is not just a mobile puzzle game. Sure, it allows you to look at, work on and solve Sudoku-like mobile puzzles. But Hexologic does so much more!

The graphics, the music and the challenges take you away from your real life surroundings and drops you in this world of puzzles (actually, Hexologic includes 4 completely differents worlds of puzzles to solve).

You can see what we’re talking about in this official trailer for Hexologic, released by the games creators at MythicOwl.

Tomasz Mularczyk is the founder and CEO of MythicOwl. Their 2017 release (Parenting Hero, a creative and helpful app for new and experienced parents) was a suprising success, but Mularczyk is especially excited for MythicOwl’s newest game that hit app stores on May 29th, 2018.

“Hexologic is the only game that makes me want to show the next move myself instead of letting the person I’m presenting the game to do it. I love its mechanics, as well as the aesthetic side, and I’m sure it will be very enjoyable and yet definitely a time well spent for all puzzle lovers.”

For mobile gamers, Hexologic was released to iOS and Android for just $0.99. The game is available on Steam for $2.99.

On June 12th, the game was released to the Nintendo Switch!

Jakub Siwek did most of the programming for the project. He thought of combining hexes and Sudoku-like gameplay for Hexologic.

“They say you don’t make the games for yourself, but for the players. I always wanted to combine hexes and sudoku-like puzzles to create a game which would still be fun to play for me despite the hundreds of hours I put into creating it. I’m very happy with the final project because I really feel that my dream has come true. I hope the users will like it as well.”

So why not try out this new mobile puzzle game? Check it out today on iOS, Android, Steam or Nintendo Switch! Let us know what you think about it!